Cervical Cancer

What is Cervicography ?

• In 1981, Analog Cervicography was developed by Dr. Stafl of University of Wisconsin
  - Screening test based on the principle of colposcopy
  - It is Morphological examination with enlarged image evaluated by certified evaluator
  - Image of cervix can be viewed directly which provide high compliance rates

• In 2003, Telecervico developed by NTL, South Korea
  - It is pain free, simple examination (only take 1 minute)
  - Web-based cervical cancer screening system
  - Effective and economical screening method

• In 2012, the world first wireless cervicography was developed by NTL, South Korea
  - About 500,000 cervicography test cases annually

Cervicography is the most effective & high sensitivity(93% or higher) cervical cancer screening method and
other screening methods are Pap smear(~60%), Liquid-Based Cytology(~60%) and Human Papillomavirus(~80%).
Multiple references are listed on reference section of this website.

Cervicography vs Colposcopy

Cervicography is not alternative solution for colposcopy.
It is complementary to each other and also can produce synergy effect.


Cervicography follows the principle of Colposcopy and evaluate morphological status of cervix.
5% acetic acid is applied before two images of cervix are taken by cervical camera. Since the cervical camera
can manipulate automatic zoom time required for Cervicography is around 1 minute. Unlike Colposcopy
microscope, Images taken by cervical camera are transferred to computer and evaluated by more than one
certified evaluators and hence more objective. The world's first wireless cervical camera invented by NTL Medical
institute is being used for both surgery or outpatient as the camera is portable.

  The evaluation of Cervicography follows 'Cervicography Algorithm' developed by Dr. Adolf Stafl,
Dr. Michael Campion and other Cervicography evaluators. Cervicography Algorithm consists of;

1. Negative
2. Atypical
3. Positive

Each category include sub-categories with following recommendation


Colposcopy developed by Dr. Hinselmann in 1925 is a compulsory test before biopsy. Colposcopy is a
microscopic test which evaluate lesion after 3% acetic acid application. Since Colposcopy requires manual
steps for magnification, at least 10minutes are taken and only one person can look through microscope and
hence confined to self-evaluation.

  Colposcopy evaluation follows Reid's Colposcopic index which consists of 4 categories;

1. Sharpness of the Margin
2. Epithelial Color
3. Vasular Patterns
4. Iodine staining

Colposcopy is evaluated by the score (0 to 2) from each category.

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