Cervical Cancer


Globally, cervical cancer is 4th most common cancer in women. In every minute, cervical cancer patient exists.
There are no obvious symptoms of cervical cancer, so it is beyond conjecture. Among the cervical cancer
screening methods, Pap smear is the most well-known method and so is Liquid-Based cytology (LBC).
It is gold standard for cervical cancer screening, however, those two conventional methods are limited in
sensitivity. It is already proved that conventional cytology shows nearly 60% sensitivity only.


  - 2nd most popular cancer of women
  - ~1 Cervical cancer patient every minute
  - ~1 death by cervical cancer every 2 minutes

In South Korea,

  - Top ten popular cancer in South Korea (7th for women)
  - ~ 4000 cervical cancer patients annually
  - 3 death by cervical cancer per day

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