NTL in 2016 ASCCP, American Society of Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology
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▷ 첨부파일 : kslee_5732a0ad8b4a3(0).jpg (114875 Byte)
President Shin of NTL has participated in the conference and gave a presentation of a poster. Also, Telecervico Research Group members have taken part as well.
From April 13th to 16th in 2016, ASCCP, American Society of Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology, was held in New Orleans, U.S.
President Shin of NTL has participated in the conference and gave a presentation of a poster. Also, Telecervico Research Group members have taken part as well.
With the published poster, TeleCervico has been proved to be very effective way for screening of cervical cancer, and a lot of people have shown interests in TeleCervico.